Monday, April 19, 2010

Hosting Windows 7 VHD on Virtual PC

Follow up to my earlier post to convert your Windows 7 physical computer to virtual. Let’s create a Virtual Machine on Virtual PC to run your Windows 7 VHD.

First, you need to have your Windows Virtual PC installed. And get ready your Windows 7 DVD or ISO image.

1. Open Windows Virtual PC and click on Create Virtual Machine.


2. Give your Virtual Machine a meaningful name and specify the location to save the virtual machine file.


3. Specify the memory to allocate to this VM and specify whether you want to enable network connectivity to this VM.


4. Attached the Windows 7 VHD that you create from Disk2VHD earlier. Specify if you want to enable Undo Disk. Undo disk allows you to delete any changes you made to the VHD and recover it to its initial state.


5. Open your new VM.


6. You will encounter boot error. Attach your Windows 7 DVD or ISO to your VM and configure your VM BIOS to first boot to CDROM.



7. Reboot your VM to Windows 7 DVD and select to Repair your computer.



8. On System Recovery Options, select Repair and restart.


9. You should be able to login to your system after restart. The final step is to install Integration Components.


10. You are done after installing Integration Components!!



1 comment:

Gexton said...

Follow up to my earlier post to convert your Windows 7 physical computer to virtual.
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